Roughnecks MC History
The History of the Roughnecks Motorcycle Club – Roughnecks MC
The Roughnecks Motorcycle club grew from common interests and visions shared by our founding members. The first gatherings can be traced back to late 2002 in Scottsdale, Arizona where the first organizational meetings took place. Of course, these meetings took place at a local watering hole.
By early 2003, The RMC Brotherhood was a reality and soon grew to our first expansion chapters in Sacramento and San Diego California. This was our first growth as a new club and a welcomed expansion that is a vital part of our club’s foundation.
We spent the next few years growing in membership, learning from our trials and tribulations and bonding as Brothers.
So far the result of our journey is that we are a club that has Chapters coast to coast across America and 2006 brought us our first international Chapter in Australia.
In 2009 we expanded into Canada quickly gaining 3 Chapters by 2011.